Here are my top 20 things I know now, that I wish I’d known when I turned 20…
- Other people’s opinions of you DO NOT matter. I spent way too long caring about what other people thought of me. But other people’s opinions are just that – their thoughts. Other people’s views are not more relevant than your own.
- Cardio is not the answer for losing weight. Fortunately, I figured out that one early on in my 20’s at University. Until then, it was a long struggle with the elliptical.
- Breakfast cereal is NOT a “healthy” choice. And neither is low-fat banana bread or bran muffins for that matter.
- Sugar is the DEVIL, not fat. Eating endless “fat-free” candy, fat-free cereal bars and other low fat junk is not the answer to getting lean and skinny. And that sugary stuff is addictive. Like, REALLY addictive. Don’t be afraid to eat good fats.
- Always wear sunscreen. Particularly if you’re wearing sunglasses. And make sure you apply it evenly! Uneven tan lines and the “panda” look are not sexy.
- Work should be fun. I was working a terrible job in my late teens, and I literally hated everything about it. So eventually I quit, after being miserable and complaining about it for way too long. And so the next point….
- Just let it go. I’ve made so many mistakes. In fact, it was the only way I learned anything. But I used to hold onto the guilt and pain, instead of forgiving myself and moving on. So whatever the problem is, you have to let it go ASAP.
- You can’t just “eyeball it” when baking. You need to follow the recipe, and not just throw in random ingredients. In fact, you’re better off finding someone else to bake for you. 😉
- There is a solution to EVERYTHING. You just have to take the time to figure it out. And if you can’t figure it out, ASK for help. It’s called Google. 😉
- Nothing good happens after 2am. Seriously, nothing. And any surprise in a shot glass is a terrible idea.
- Time is NOT endless. I spent way too much time partying my days away, not to mention wasting time in my early 20’s. I wish I’d spent more time being productive during those days. I’m making up for it now.
- Bad times don’t last forever. Even though it feels like it. I used to dwell on the negative things that happened and complain too much. But in the long run, it’s meaningless. Just remember the famous quote… “This too shall pass”
- You are going to change. I was pretty adamant about a lot of things in my early 20’s. For example, I thought people who woke up early (at 4:30am) were completely insane. Clearly, a lot has changed. We’re always evolving. Accept it.
- Be nice to your mother. And make sure you call her often. You’ll notice those annoying things she taught you really matter later in life. Just go easier on her. She’s awesome.
- Start saving your money now… Putting away a small amount of your paycheck now can turn into a down payment later on. Yep, I missed the boat on that one. But I had an amazing time traveling the world!
- A 10 minute workout is better than nothing. Being consistent is what counts for getting results. You don’t need 30-60 minutes for a good workout – it’s far more important to get moving and do something!
- School never ends. But not in a bad way! You need to always be learning and remain coachable if you want to keep progressing in life. You don’t know everything and having a mentor or coach is the best investment you can make.
- Sleep is NOT overrated. All nighters and living on caffeine and other stimulants is the highway to burn out. Learning to rest is a valuable skill! PS. You are not superhuman and still need to work on this.
- You can’t “change” people. And there’s no need to try and change people. Meet people where they are. And love them for that. In my early 20’s, I spent too much time trying to change people rather than working on myself. Just don’t take other people’s issues personally.
- The key to success is TAKING ACTION – not reading about it. I used to read a lot about self-improvement, and dream of all these great things I could do.
Some people think “reading” is taking action.
It’s not.
No matter what age you are, it’s not too late to make a change and refine your life.
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