“But I don’t want to look bulky and gain too much muscle!”
These are the words I always hear coming out of women’s mouths every time I tell them they need to lift weights more often.
So, before we go any further, let’s address the number one issue women have about training with weights:
FEAR of looking like a man.
Now, let’s settle this once and for all:
Men have TEN times more testosterone than women.
Multiple studies indicate a woman has to work out ten times harder than a man to even come close to gaining as much muscle as a man.
Another huge difference, (besides testosterone) between men and women is the hormone:
LEPTIN (your #1 fat burning hormone)
First the “good” news:
Women have 2 times more leptin than men.
Now for the “bad” news:
Women are 3 times LESS likely to be leptin sensitive.
In other words, even though women have more leptin, they don’t respond to its signals easily like men do.
However, here at Shashido Enterprises, we can show you how to counteract this apparent disadvantage.
Contact us now!
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