#1 Factor For Your Success

“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be…”
One of my favorite quotes by the great John R. Wooden.

I was obsessed with John R. Wooden’s book back in high school and college, reading it cover to cover multiple times…

And one thing that I know it did…

I shaped the way I thought, how I approached each day, and made me mentally tough…

Because the truth is, too many times, we let failure and mistakes be our downfall…

Yet, in another brilliant John R. Wooden quote…

“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a DOER makes mistakes.”

Here’s the thing… When it comes to getting better each and every day… It comes down to ONE main aspect:


Without it, you will let little setbacks completely throw you off… Or worse…

Let failure be fatal!

In yet another quote…

“Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming…”

If this statement is true… Then why do people quit?

I’ll tell you why…


Because here’s the truth…


Being mentally tough is difference between success and failure…

And ALL toughness is mental.
I’m not perfect by any means. However, I work daily to improve and that all starts with HOW you think…


Be a better version of you each day. Constantly be improving yourself. Be MENTALLY TOUGH!


Keep getting after it.


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