#1 Exercise That Burns The Most Fat

A study from Colorado State University revealed this one  RARELY talked about exercise burns more overall calories  than any other.

And we’re talking about 200+ calories in just over 2 minutes  of work, which is typically deemed impossible.

Here’s how it went down.

The study group was given their maintenance diet (in other words,  there was ZERO restriction on calorie intake) for three short days.

During one of the 3 days, each participant performed this particular exercise for only 2.5 minutes of total work with prescribed rest periods.

After this 3 day period, the participants stayed in a research  facility for two days to get professionally analyzed for calories  burned using the latest technology (oxygen analyzers and more).

The results showed that they burned an average of an extra  200 calories on this day from ONLY 2.5 minutes of work.

That’s the power of this exercise.

In fact, it can literally burn over 1000 calories in the shortest amount of time than any other exercise.

HOWEVER, you have to learn how to approach it properly.

So… what is it?


Think about the body type of EVERY sprinter you’ve ever  watched on television over the years.

Whether they’re younger or older, male or female…

They ALL gave one thing in common.

They’re RIPPED.

And it doesn’t matter what your age or current condition is…

You can use sprinting to achieve superior cardiovascular  strength and increased fat burning.

System 1: Use five to ten 20-30 second sprints (go all out  based on your current condition)

Benefits: Works anaerobic threshold, releases adrenaline,  increases growth hormone production, and increases metabolic rate.

NOTE: Use this method sparingly (a few times per week) to avoid adrenal fatigue—and take a few weeks off every 3 to 6 months.

System 2: Use five to six 90-180 second bursts (go hard as you can for entire direction of allotted time)

Benefits: Increases both aerobic and anaerobic threshold, release lactate (precursor to growth hormone), conditions your body to break weight loss plateaus.

If time permits, I always recommend brisk walking or steady  state cardio once or twice per week afterwards to burn off  fatty acids and condition the aerobic system.

But without high intensity sprint type of exercise, aerobic cardio is only HALF as effective.









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